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Roland Barthes, La camera chiara, Einaudi, Torino 2003 Zygmunt Bauman, Gli usi postmoderni del sesso, Il Mulino, Bologna 2013 Aldo Carotenuto, Eros e Pathos, Bompiani, Milano 2015 Byung-Chul Han, Eros in agonia, Nottetempo, Roma 2015 Byung-Chul Han, La società della trasparenza, Nottetempo, Roma 2014 Umbero Galimberti, Le cose d’amore, Feltrinelli, Milano 2013 Romano Gasparotti, Filosofia … Continued

Open Call 2016

TA EROTIKAHidden doors “There is a question that all lovers ask each other, and in it the erotic mystery is epitomized: Who are you?A question without an answer… The senses are and are not of this world.By means of them, poetry traces a bridge between seeing and believing.By that bridge, imagination is embodied and bodies … Continued


All the works entered will be considered and attentively viewed by the VSA team. A total of 1000 euro will be made available for the creation of the projects, inclusive of the technical support provided by the festival staff in situ. The selected projects will be displayed for 5 days in one of the venues … Continued

Open Call 2016

For its sixth edition, Video Sound Art is once again selecting young artists through an Open Call, with the aim of rewarding creations by new talents. Opening date 29th June 2016. Closing date 12th September 2016. The results will be posted on the site of Video Sound Art on 19th September 2016. INSTRUCTION Participants are … Continued