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Performance and talks

For the first time, in addition to live performances, the program of the festival will include a series of lectures led by art theorists and professors of philosophy on topicality and themes selected by the scientific committee of Video Sound Art, in order to create a dialogue with the exhibitions and a true multidisciplinary exchange.


Institut français Milano | Sala Cinema

Friday 21th October | 7 PM Lecture led by Pietro Bianchi
The Devil in Mr. Lacan. Il cinema, la psicanalisi, l’immagine erotica
Pietro Bianchi works at the Department of Romance Studies at Duke University. He wrote the monograph “Jacques Lacan and Cinema: Imginary, Gaze, Formalisation” and various articles about cinema, psychoanalysis and philosophy.
Free entrance with reservation

Saturday 22th October | 6PM Lecture led by Federico Leoni
L’indicibile oggetto del desiderio platonico
Federico Leoni teaches moral philosophy  at Università di Verona. He has written various books, including Habeas corpus. Sei geneaologie del corpo occidentale (2008); L’idiota e la lettera. Quattro saggi sul Flaubert di Sartre (2013); Jacques Lacan, l’economia dell’assoluto (2016).
Free entrance with reservation


“Leonardo da Vinci” National Museum of Science and Technology

Wednesday 26th October | 7PM – Sala delle Colonne: lecture led by Umberto Galimberti
Le cose dell’amore
Umberto Galimberti  teaches Philosophy of History at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and is an ordinary member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. Renowed for his studies in the fields of philosophy, cultural anthropology and psychology, he translated and curated the texts of Heidegger and Jaspers, who was his mentor during his stay in Germany.
Entrance ticket: 4€ with reservation


Museum of Design 1880 -1980 | Prima Sala

Friday 4th November | 7PM Marco Mancuso on
L’impatto delle tecnologie su arte, design e cultura contemporanea
Marco Mancuso is a critic and curator, known for is his work in the field of digital technologies applied to art, design and contemporary culture. He is the founder of Digicult, one of the most important platforms of the sector.
Free entrance with reservation

Sunday 6th November | 7PM Patrick Gosatti in conversation with Wolf Lieser
Patrick Gosatti is a curator and member of the Visual Arts department at Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Wolf Lieser is the director and founder of the Digital Art Museum [DAM] and the Gallery Berlin.
The talk is in English
Free entrance with reservation
8 PM Interactive performance Theogonia
The performance was conceived by the Multimedia Performance and Graphic Design students of the Naba Media Design School. The project was redesigned for its first public exhibition during video Sound Art Festival.

Reservation required for the lecures: