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Open Call Video 2015


For its fifth edition, Video Sound Art is back to select young artists through an Open Call aimed at rewarding the works of new talents.

THE MAN INTO THE MAP, the two-year theme inaugurated in 2014, will guide the artistic selections and the new artistic productions of the 2015 festival.

In the last 15 years, maps have become one of the main means of expression.. Artists break up the neutrality feature which is at the basis of cartography and, through personal interpretations, they give life to a wide collection of works representing personal itineraries and personal territories.

Geographical maps, subways maps, conceptual and interactive cartography, data collection, sound mapping. “Artists make maps”.The man into the map is an invitation to explore the relationship between man and map, putting the individual at the centre of their work.


Participants can optionally use a library of 12 videos selected from the Prelinger Archive.

Prelinger Archives was founded in 1983 by Rick Prelinger with the goal of preserving what he called “ephemeral movies”, a collection of films about the cultural and social life of North America between the Thirties and the end of Fifties. It consists of advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films.

The over 3.200 films are public domain and they are available for free downloading and reuse.


Why Prelinger Archive?

The archive was included in the Open Call 2015 for the following reasons:

1)the movies pertain to “The man into the map” theme.

2)the movies are suitable for the creation of works that compare traditional forms of expression with digital technologies

3) the ephemeral movies consisting of advertising, educational and amateur filmshave a strong aesthetic and expressive value.



Participants can choose whether or not to use the proposed library. The 12 samples can optionally be downloaded directly from this page.

Once the work is finished, the attendees have to upload it on Vimeo, complete the specific form on the homepage. Click on “Upload your project” and fill out the form including the vimeo link of your own project.

In case one is interested in the third mode, please fill out the form and send the project to


The call opens to public on March 31st at 12 pm and ends on June 5th at 12 pm.


Candidates can submit:1-     a work done in the past thatispertinent with the proposedtheme2-     a work specifically created for the call3-     a project that can be accomplished within this fifth edition of the festival. This is valid only for video installations and/or projects with special technical complexities. In this case participants must consider with attention if the timing of their project coincides with the days of preparation of the festival ( first week of July 2015).Video Sound Art will favour projects with economic feasability.



All works received will be carefully taken into account and evaluated by VSA team.

VSA team will select from 1 to 3 works that will be shown for 1 week during the fifth edition of Video Sound Art Festival at Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”.

The winner will receive a reward of 500 euro and the possibility to participate for free to three workshops of the Temporary Academy 2015-2016.

The work set-up (materials, technical staff) will be at the expense of Video Sound Art. The work will be published on the homepage of the website after a check by the staff. The proclamation of the winner work will take place by June 15th, 2015 at 8 pm. For further information write to



Partecipants can use the technique they feel more suitable. Among this categories: data visualization, editing and special effects, interactive design, motion graphic, videomapping, animation, live and interactive performance, installations. VSA will also accept visual artistic productions that compare classical forms of representation with new technologies and that are not included in the previous categories.