Anti-Covid rules
In compliance with current regulations, in order to participate in the exhibition, it is highly recommended to book online. To book you can use our online ticket office.
At the entrance, the VSA team will measure the temperature, if it is higher than 37.5 ° C, access will be denied (please do not come to the exhibition if your temperature is above 37.5 ° C).
It is mandatory to use the mask for entering, during the completion of the identification and booking verification procedures, during the exhibition and also in exiting the space. Hand cleaning with a special sanitizing gel is mandatory. Spectators must maintain an interpersonal physical distance of at least 1 meter, even while entrering and exiting the exhibition.
Tickets can also be purchased at the venue only in cash or with Satispay. At the entrance you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire with your personal data due the anti-Covid provisions.